June. It’s getting hot out here
We have had such a mild spring so far. Lot’s of rain and cool weather. But, it looks like Texas is trying to make up for lost time because it is getting really hot. Plants don’t like these extreme temperature shifts. It is supposed to get up to 107 this week. Oh my.
Note: We must remember to provide water for the animals out there. Pets, frogs, lizards, bees, deer, rabbits, birds. We are all a part of the circle of life.
Here are some pre-107 degree weather pics:
Long beans. I normally say that long beans can take the heat. We shall see with the weather that is headed our way. I love long beans. They are tasty raw, even when the seeds start to swell. They are sweet and crispy. I planted long bean seeds on March 20. Sprouted by March 27.

Growing bitter melon and jelly melon on the same trellis.

Jelly or horned melon tastes like a lemony cucumber. I eat it like a grapefruit with a spoon. It is really tasty and it can take the heat…the hotter the better….and very productive. Handle with care though. Very sharp spines.

Persimmon tree planted this year is coming along. It has fruit!

Trombone squash

Cucumbers. I planted two types from seed this year: suyu long and armenian

Frogfruit, an excellent wildlife plant and groundcover. It is really thriving now that it is in the full sun. I sure miss the our Red Oak shade tree that we lost in the last winter freeze, but it does not.

First peaches came in from La Feliciana peach tree

Other things going on in June

Lemon drop watermelon – I will not grow this one again but it was fun and tasty. Interesting thing is that it was under pressure and as soon as I cut into it, it popped and cracked open. Surprised me a bit.