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Month: March 2022

Fanicks Pear

Fanicks Pear

is blooming like crazy

I258 fig cutting is taking! I cannot wait to taste this one.

First Meyer Lemon is tiny. The next one will be a giant. haha

Mexican Lime tree is still doing great. More flowers. More fruit. It is amazing and so productive. Dream tree for first year tree.

Cucumber beetle that likely came with a fruit tree we bought this spring. Notice the spider and the bee in this pic as well. That is a crowded flower bud! Spoiler alert: The cucumber beetle did not make it.

Veggie garden makeover

Veggie garden makeover

Here is a before pic. It was lovely. Grew so many veggies here…Thank you God…

With our re-design, we are keeping all of the tanks and building new raised beds. These beds are just the right height and width. We are also going to keep the drip irrigation and set up some really effective trellising. Dream come true.

Here is the after pic: (I will update this pic with an after pic covered in veggies like the one above, but for now, this is it. Dream come true!

Here it is in-progress. First we built the boxes. This was so much work. It was heavy, dirty, and dangerous and I can’t thank my husband enough. He says he “builds dreams” and I couldn’t agree more.

After we finished the boxes, it is time to fill them, permaculture style. This went faster than we thought. The first layer was cardboard, then wood logs, then branches, shredded paper and leaves. Finally compost, then dirt. Oh and there is junk mail added here and there in the mix. We used 3 yards of compost. I’m sure we saved a fortune doing this the permaculture way.

Road base for the main floor. Keeps weeds and mud down.

Finally time to plant!

Dream come true!!!

And now, here are the plants growing in the new garden beds…They are just babies…and I planted way to many squash and cucumber…Next year I will try not to overplant…lol