Snow Pea
Normally, we grow snow pea for the leaves. They are delicious sautéed with garlic. This year, I planted the seed around January 23rd.
On March 27th, it was just getting going. Growing it up a trellis is a good idea.

Here it is climbing the left hand side of the trellis. It is in full swing on April 21st

Normally we harvest for the leaves, and the plant has burned up from the heat by May. But because of the mild, wet weather we have had this year, the plant has produced snow peas and they are delicious. They were delicious eaten raw and added to other dishes.
Last picture is May1st. If you look at the first pic, you can see how versatile this plant is. You can eat the leaf, the snow pea….AND if you let the snow pea stay on the vine, you can break it open and eat peas. I have never had a fresh pea. They were delicious. Wow.