April Garden walk
The garden really wakes up in April. We could use much more rain. Last year it rained right when the roses started blooming and I was sad because it ruined many of the flowers. This year, I would be happy to exchange the blooms for some rain.

Stars of the month: Hummingbird vine really does attract hummers. I think they feel safe because the blooms are so high in the air
Crossvine is another showstopper. This one is called Tangerine Beauty.
We have intentionally not pulled out our dandelions because I read that they are very beneficial because they are one of the first blooms. It is also edible.
Asparagus – our only perennial vegetable. It reliably comes back year after year
Peaches are starting to form on the La Feliciana. Pic on the right is of the tree flowering in March.