Stink plant
I’m so happy. My stink plant flowered 3 times this year. It’s called a stink plant because it is pollinated by flies…so instead of smelling sweet like most flowers, it attracts flies by smelling like rotten flesh. So give this plant plenty of room and do not let it flower inside. lol. In the last picture, you can see a fly doing its thing. I love this interesting plant! Cuttings of this plant were given to me many years ago by a dear friend/gardener…Amy!
Fall Veggie Gardening
If you really want to know if it’s organic, you have to grow it yourself…broccoli and gai lan. Time for fall veggie gardening.
Ok, so a friend asked me to update this post with the timeline for regular broccoli, so here is an update
8/1/2020 – planted broccoli seeds. I planted Green Magic which is supposed to be well adapted to our area. Planted them according to the directions on the package using Happy Frog potting soil. I placed the plants on a rolling cart on the south side of the house. See below for dates I moved plants from starter pots into veggie garden. So far, harvested broccoli on 12/1 and 12/24. Once you remove the main heads, side shoots will form and you can keep harvesting those well into the winter. You can also eat the stalk. It is tasty and has just as much nutritional value as the broccoli heads. I have not eaten the leaves. It is not uncommon to have some worms nibble on your leaves. That is the price you pay for growing organic.
seeds planted 8/1 seeds sprouted 8/4 transplants planted 9/28 broccoli getting big 11/1 1st harvest 12/1
Chinese cabbage and Chinese broccoli