April – such a great month
It’s a girl!
Lol. Got a new tree. It is called a Pakistani Mulberry. I’ve been wanting one of these for a while now. Good luck little girl. You will be a giant one day!
Loquat tree
Once again, I should have thinned the fruit on this tree so that the fruit would be bigger. Regrets. They are not good for you. Next time I’ll try to do better. lol
Places to stop and rest for a few
Need more of these
April is about roses too
Time to harvest carrots
Actually, I may be a little late. Mental note to do this in March next year. You should never get too busy to enjoy your harvest!
Dream come true
I have wanted this fountain for so long. I saw it at the garden center year after year. Seemed like a frivolous expense. Well, it is ours now. With a sale and a coupon…Still have to get power to it, but love love love it. The bees are all over it! And the good news is I still have and use the planter my sister in law gave me.
Dream come true – have I said that before?
Lol. A couple of years ago I got a Honey Jar Jujube. They are moderately hard to find. I almost killed it twice while it was in a pot. It dried out and almost died.
So this year, it was still looking a little harsh, and we planted it in the ground…finally! The plant rewarded us by flowering a few days later! So happy. ***Spoiler alert. We only got one fruit from it this year. lol
Early morning Toad
I think this little feller lives in the rocks. It eats bugs. Good boy.