Broccoli doing its thing
Broccoli produced it’s first ‘head’. I cut if off and about a week later it had produced side shoots of broccoli. If you haven’t grown it before, you should. Broccoli is a lot fresher tasting and does not have as strong of a broccoli smell if you pick it fresh. My husband will even eat it (happily) if it is home grown! Haha BTW, please excuse the kind of chewed up leaves. That is the price you pay for not using pesticides…but much better for you.
Last two pictures are of Chinese Broccoli, also called Broccolini. Unfortunately I did not pick it in time and it flowered. If you zoom in, it is a happy surprise for our native bees. I’m happy to help and leave a plant for them and prune the rest so we can have some.