Donkey ear has pups. So many that I shared most of them. The pups are at the end of the leaves. So neat! Nature finds a million different ways to do the same thing. God is amazing!
This plant is growing in a hanging basket. It started from a 2 inch piece of a leaf from a plant growing at a nursery. I did obtain the owners permission before taking the piece. In the nursery, this was in a very large hanging plant.
Update: I thought it would eventually hang down like in the nursery, but as of January 2020, this plant is about 4 feet high. I may need to research this a bit.

This old house was falling apart, but still popular. I bought a new one and my hubby replaced it this year. I hope to post a picture of the new house with birds in it soon!

Do not own this, but it is on the wish list. Only time will tell. Opportunity cost…

Shady spot
Someone gave me a couple of pieces of dragon fruit plant. It grew and grew. It flowered. We got up in the middle of the night, climbed up on a ladder to hand pollinate it. My husband held a flashlight, while I brushed pollen from one flower to another. Not. One. Fruit.
Now I know a lot more about dragon fruit. There are self-fertile varieties that do not need another plant to pollinate. There are varieties that do not need another plant to pollinate, but do need help spreading the pollen from one flower to another. And then there are those that need another plant to produce a fruit. I think I have the last kind. Oh well. Always learning…