March ends with more happy plants

I think our winter was so long that I started to get depressed. Just kidding. But I sure am glad to see the sun and flowers! The Lady Banks Roses are blooming like crazy. We have since built a cage for the white one to grow on. We will see how that goes. I know these are supposed to get very big, but the white one looked a little flat so we will see if it likes the cage. The yellow one in the back is starting to climb the cedar tree. You can see the yellow rose in the upper right corner. I look forward to one day seeing it bloom at the top of the cedars from our back deck.
March started out with some new little eggs. S made this birdhouse and we have it hanging by our front door. Some little wrens found it and built a nest in the top cavity. It is going to be a lot of fun watching their progress.
We always let at least one broccoli plant flower. The bees really love these flowers and it gives them something to eat in early spring. Must resist urge to plant spring veggies until later this month. It’s so hard to do.