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Month: April 2017



Do you know you can eat squash when it is very small?  It is delicious.  Thinking about picking them small before the squash bugs arrive.

And this is a volunteer sunflower from sunflower seed we feed the birds…


Mulberries forming

Mulberries forming

Planted this tree last year.  It was only about 18 inches tall.  It is now about 4 feet tall and is producing fruit already!








Update 4/30/2017:  Berries are gone.  Suspect birds stole them.

If you grow it, they will come

If you grow it, they will come

Plant something to draw the bugs away from your veggies.  These are monarchs eating Rue.  I do not know what Rue is really used for.  I just bought it at a flea market on a whim.  I’m so glad I did.  Feed the monarchs!